There was a story of a set of pioneers that led the charge in the wild. Fantastic Five. Futuristic Four. Special Six. OMNIPOTENT ONE. Tantalizing Two. Territorial Three. We have heard of them all. This particular bunch seemed to have an enlightening and inspiring destiny. It is an adventure just conjuring them up. A senior. A JUNIOR. A sophomore. And 5 freshman. ALL with a solid understanding of aquatics. Challenging the rigors of terrain and climate.

These pioneers considered themselves to be THE GREAT EIGHT. They paged their way to a new environment with graceful conditions. Adjusting and raising their temperment to locations, travels beyond the groups beginnings…

In luxury they justified pertinent practices that helped them to collaborate and work efficiently together. They confided and adjusted to each other’s blessings. As they grew and there experience weighed some persisted and some swayed. OF the same grace effective is the dime.

I’m sure if there were ten the guide would have more balance. One after another accruing new and challenging responsibilities the freshman became burdened. They took their burden to the sophomore. The sophomore requested patience. They took their burden to the junior. The junior requested tasks. They took their burdens to the senior. The senior requested guidance. The elder three pioneers gathered more strength and awareness.

As the climb began the five frosh were dismissed. AFTER a time had passed THE GREAT EIGHT became three. Frosh one approached the junior with gratefulness offering resolutions and tasks as requested. GOOD. Frosh two did the same. Frosh three also did the same. Frosh four did the same with a twist. Frosh five did the same with a prayer. Astonishing. But all they got from the junior were rights of dismissal.

How it happened was a sway a day from righteous beholdings. Columns and columns tumbled onto the burdens of the five. They preceeded. Onto the meeting with the sophomore. Class is not an order. They to thee and thee provided some time. As time passed. The sophomore provided rights of dismissal.

Fortunately, there one run in with the sophomore was intense with regret. However, it gave time to reconsider. Analyzing their environment and conditions. All weren’t good. Like true pioneers nourishment and shelters were first priority.

In the end, another right of dismissal.

HOW. The senior requested guidance. The five frosh were unable to provide. They lacked the ability to justify their standings.

The Great EIGHT were three. Ortho. Meta. Para. A unit the gsp8.

To be continued…


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